Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije

Raziskovalni matematični seminar - Arhiv

2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Datum in ura / Date and time: 21.10.24
Predavalnica / Location: FAMNIT-MP1
Predavatelj / Lecturer: Nastja Cepak (Creaplus d.o.o. and University of Primorska)
Naslov / Title: Post-quantum cryptography
Vsebina / Abstract:

These are exciting times for cryptography!

For the first time in a long time new asymmetric cryptography algorithms were standardised by NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology). In the talk we will explain: Why was this necessary? How do these algorithms behave? Will the future of cryptography even involve solutions based on quantum mechanics?

Datum in ura / Date and time: 14.10.24
Predavalnica / Location: FAMNIT-MP1
Predavatelj / Lecturer: Janko Gravner (University of California Davis and University of Primorska)
Naslov / Title: Nucleation of lines in two-dimensional growth models
Vsebina / Abstract:

In a nucleation process, formation of small nuclei initiates displacement of one equilibrium by another. Typically, nucleation is local: diameter of the nuclei is much smaller than the time-scale of convergence to the new state. We will discuss a few simple models in which this is not true; instead, the nuclei generate lower-dimensional structures that grow and interact significantly before most of the space is affected. Analysis of such models includes a variety of combinatorial and probabilistic methods.

The talk will be aimed at the general audience.

Datum in ura / Date and time: 7.10.24
Predavalnica / Location: FAMNIT-MP1
Predavatelj / Lecturer: Pascal Gollin (University of Primorska)
Naslov / Title: Sharing Beer on a Graph
Vsebina / Abstract:
Consider the following procedure on a graph G. Initially, there is 1 unit of beer at a fixed vertex r of G and all other vertices have no beer. At any time in the procedure, we can choose an edge uv of G and equalize the amount of beer between u and v. We prove that for every vertex x of G, the amount of beer at x is always at most 1/(d+1), where d is the distance from x to r. This bound is best possible and answers a question of Nina Gantert. This problem is motivated by the analysis of consensus formation in the Deffuant model for social interaction, which I will also briefly discuss. 
This is joint work with Kevin Hendey, Hao Huang, Tony Huynh, Bojan Mohar, Sang-il Oum, Ningyuan Yang, Wei-Hsuan Yu, and Xuding Zhu.

Datum in ura / Date and time: 9.9.24
Predavalnica / Location: FAMNIT-MP1
Predavatelj / Lecturer: John Shareshian (Washington University)
Naslov / Title: Chromatic quasisymmetric functions
Vsebina / Abstract:

Richard Stanley initiated the study of the chromatic symmetric function X_G of a finite graph G.  This symmetric function encodes more information about G than the well-studied chromatic polynomial, and has been studied closely.  Michelle Wachs and I introduced a refined version of X_G.  For most graphs G, this refined version is quasisymmetric but not necessarily symmetric.  However, X_G is symmetric when G is an indifference graph.  Chromatic quasisymmetric functions of indifference graphs are related to previously studied objects from algebraic geometry and representation theory of symmetric groups.  After introducing  chromatic symmetric and quasisymmetric functions, I will discuss these relations.

Datum in ura / Date and time: 5.9.24
Predavalnica / Location: FAMNIT-MP1
Predavatelj / Lecturer: Morgan Rodgers (University of Kaiserslautern-Landau)
Naslov / Title: Regular sets in finite polar spaces
Vsebina / Abstract:
regular set or equitable bipartition in a (finite simple) graph is a set of vertices $Y$ such that there exist constants $a$ and $b$ for which each vertex in $Y$ has $a$ neighbors in $Y$, while each vertex not in $Y$ has $b$ neighbors in $Y$.
Such sets can only exist for graphs which are either biregular or regular. If $Y$ is a regular set, then $a-b$ is an eigenvalue of the adjacency matrix of the corresponding  graph. We call $Y$ a regular set of an association scheme if $Y$ is a regular set for all the graphs in the association scheme.
Regular sets appear in many geometric and combinatorial contexts, where examples in finite geometry include Cameron-Liebler classesspreads$m$-systems, and intriguing sets.

We will look at regular sets in the setting of the finite classical polar spaces, with a particular focus on Cameron-Liebler sets of generators. We will also describe a generalization of the concept of an $m$-ovoid to sets of isotropic subspaces having arbitrary (fixed) dimension. In some cases these generalizations of $m$-ovoids lead to constructions of non-trivial Cameron-Liebler sets of generators.

Datum in ura / Date and time: 19.8.24
Predavalnica / Location: FAMNIT-MP6
Predavatelj / Lecturer: Tomáš Masařík (University of Warsaw)
Naslov / Title: Linear Bounds for Cycle-free Saturation Games
Vsebina / Abstract:

Given a family of graphs F, we define the F-saturation game as follows. Two players alternate adding edges to an initially empty graph on n vertices, with the only constraint being that neither player can add an edge that creates a subgraph in F. The game ends when no more edges can be added to the graph. One of the players wishes to end the game as quickly as possible, while the other wishes to prolong the game. We let sat_g(n,F) denote the number of edges that are in the final graph when both players play optimally. In general, there are very few non-trivial bounds on the order of magnitude of sat_g(n,F). In this work, we find collections of infinite families of cycles C such that sat_g(n,C) has a linear growth rate.

Joint work with Sean English, Grace McCourt, Erin Meger, Michael S. Ross, and Sam Spiro.

Datum in ura / Date and time: 7.6.24
(11:30 - 12:30)
Predavalnica / Location: FAMNIT-MP1
Predavatelj / Lecturer: Besfort Shala (University of Bristol)
Naslov / Title: A tour through multiplicative and probabilistic number theory
Vsebina / Abstract:

I will give a general overview of recent developments in number theory, with many old and new results being proved through the lens of multiplicative functions. Many deep unsolved problems about primes such as the Riemann Hypothesis and the Twin Prime Conjecture are intimately connected with the Möbius function. Viewing the latter as simply one instance of a multiplicative function satisfying certain properties and developing a general theory of multiplicative functions has been very fruitful – most classical results in analytic number theory have been reproved in this framework, without appealing to the analytic continuation of the Riemann zeta function (or more general L-functions). In particular, one may adapt a probabilistic viewpoint and consider so called random multiplicative functions taking the values +1 and -1 on the primes randomly. This was initiated by Wintner, who proved the analogue of the Riemann Hypothesis in this simplified setting. Later this was further developed by Harper, who considered finer distributional questions. If time permits, I will present results on the Twin Prime analogue in this probabilistic setting, based on ongoing joint work with Jake Chinis.

Datum in ura / Date and time: 3.6.24
Predavalnica / Location: FAMNIT-MP1
Predavatelj / Lecturer: Petr Golovach (University of Bergen)
Naslov / Title: Detours in Directed Graphs
Vsebina / Abstract:
We study the ''above guarantee'' version of the classical Longest Path problem on undirected and directed graphs called  Longest Detour where the task is to decide whether a graph has an (s,t)-path of length at least dist_G(s,t)+k. Bezáková et al. in 2019 proved that on undirected graphs, the problem is fixed-parameter tractable (FPT). We establish a connection between Longest Detour and Disjoint Paths on directed graphs. Using these new insights, we design a 2^{O(k)} n^{O(1)} time algorithm for the problem on directed planar graphs. Furthermore, the new approach yields a significantly faster FPT algorithm on undirected graphs.
Joint work with Fedor V. Fomin, William Lochet, Danil Sagunov, Saket Saurabh, and  Kirill Simonov

Datum in ura / Date and time: 27.5.24
Predavalnica / Location: FAMNIT-MP1
Predavatelj / Lecturer: Tara Abrishami (University of Hamburg)
Naslov / Title: Induced matching treewidth and the maximum independent set problem
Vsebina / Abstract:

Width parameters such as treewidth, the most prominent width parameter, are graph invariants that roughly measure how complicated a graph is. Several width parameters have algorithmic implications; for example, many NP-hard problems can be solved in polynomial time in graphs of bounded treewidth. On the other hand, there exist graph classes with unbounded treewidth but which do admit fast algorithms for hard problems, so in this sense treewidth does a poor job of capturing the solvability of hard problems. Several new width parameters have recently been introduced to better represent the solvability of the maximum independent set problem. In this talk, I will discuss results and problems related to one of these width parameters, called induced matching treewidth.

This talk is based on joint work with Marcin Briański, Jadwiga Czyżewska, Rose McCarty, Martin Milanič, Paweł Rzążewski, and Bartosz Walczak.

Datum in ura / Date and time: 20.5.24
Predavalnica / Location: FAMNIT-MP1
Predavatelj / Lecturer: Dilawar Abbas Khan (University of Primorska)
Naslov / Title: Optimal plateaued functions without linear structures
Vsebina / Abstract:

In this talk, we address the algebraic method to design plateaued functions with desirable cryptographic properties (such as maximal algebraic degree and balancedness) by employing the generalized Maiorana-McFarland class (GMM) of Boolean functions. We consider functions in the GMM class of the form $f(x,y)=x \cdot \phi(y) \oplus h(y)$, where $x \in \F_2^{n/2+k}, y \in \F_2^{n/2 -k}$ and $\phi(y): \F_2^{n/2 -k} \rightarrow \F_2^{n/2 +k}$, and derive a set of sufficient conditions for designing optimal plateaued functions. We will show that under certain conditions designed optimal plateaued functions do not admit the linear structures. Furthermore, we will show that under specific conditions, the addition of an indicator ($1_{R}(x,y) = 1_{E_1}(x)1_{E_2}(y)$) to a function $g(x,y) = x \cdot \phi(y)$, we have that $f(x,y) = g(x,y) \oplus  1_{R}(x,y)$ is a plateaued function.

Datum in ura / Date and time: 13.5.24
Predavalnica / Location: FAMNIT-MP1
Predavatelj / Lecturer: Draženka Višnjić (University of Primorska)
Naslov / Title: Homomorphisms on the Coxeter-like graphs
Vsebina / Abstract:
Let  $\{tilde\Gamma}_n$ be the graph with the vertex set of all symmetric matrices $S_n(F_2)$ with coefficients from binary field $F_2=\{0,1\}$, where two matrices $A,B \in S_n(F_2)$ form an edge if and only if $rank(A - B) = 1$. Let $\Gamma_n$ be the subgraph in $\{tilde\Gamma}_n$ that is induced by the set of all symmetric invertible matrices  $SGL_n(F2)$. It was shown that both of the graphs $\{tilde\Gamma}_n$  and $\Gamma_n$ are cores for $n \qeq 3$, i.e. all their endomorphisms are automorphisms.  The endomorphisms=automorshims of $ \Gamma_3$,  were characterized by a counting argument and by observing that $\Gamma_3$ is isomorphic to the Coxeter graph, which has a well known automorphism group. Our main task  is to characterize all endomorphisms=automorphism of $\Gamma_n$, for $n\ geq 4$, and describe all homomorphisms from $\Gamma_n$ to  $\{tilde\Gamma}_m$.

Datum in ura / Date and time: 6.5.24
Predavalnica / Location: FAMNIT-MP1
Predavatelj / Lecturer: Endre Boros (Rutgers University, USA)
Naslov / Title: Boole's problem and a zero-one lemma
Vsebina / Abstract:

We introduce Boole's problem, and the reasonably large literature related to it. We then recall an old result of Renyi (1962) that we prefer to call "a zero-one lemma", and show that it can provide a simple, elementary (short, high school level) proof for most of the results in the extensive literature about this problem. We also derive a few new results with the help of this powerful lemma. 

Joint work with Joonhee Lee.

Datum in ura / Date and time: 29.4.24
(15:00 -- 16:00)
Predavalnica / Location: FAMNIT-MP1
Predavatelj / Lecturer: Aljaž Kosmač (University of Primorska)
Naslov / Title: Isogeometric collocation for solving the biharmonic equation over planar multi-patch domains
Vsebina / Abstract:
We present an isogeometric collocation method for solving the biharmonic equation over planar bilinearly parameterized multi-patch domains. The developed approach
is based on the use of the globally $C^4$-smooth isogeometric spline space [Kapl, Vitrih, 2021] to approximate the solution of the considered partial differential equation, and proposes as collocation points two different choices, namely on the one hand the Greville points and on the other hand the so-called superconvergent points. Several examples demonstrate the potential of our collocation method for solving the biharmonic equation over planar multi-patch domains, and numerically study the convergence behavior of the two types of collocation points with respect to the $L^2$-norm as well as to equivalents of the $H^s$-seminorms for $1 \leq s \leq 4$.
In the studied case of spline degree $p=9$, the numerical results indicate in case of the Greville points a convergence of order $\mathcal{O}(h^{p-3})$ independent of the considered (semi)norm, and show in case of the superconvergent points an improved convergence of order $\mathcal{O}(h^{p-2})$ for all (semi)norms except for the equivalent of the $H^4$-seminorm, where the order $\mathcal{O}(h^{p-3})$ is anyway optimal. 
Joint work with M. Kapl (Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, Villach, Austria) and V.Vitrih (IAM, University of Primorska).

Datum in ura / Date and time: 22.4.24
Predavalnica / Location: FAMNIT-MP1
Predavatelj / Lecturer: Tomaž Pisanski (University of Primorska, Slovenia)
Naslov / Title: Geometric symmetry of graphs
Vsebina / Abstract:

This work in progress explores graphs that can be drawn in the Euclidean plane exhibiting non-trivial geometric symmetry. We investigate the significance of semiregular and quasi-semiregular automorphisms for achieving such symmetric embeddings. We consider both cyclic and dihedral symmetries.

Datum in ura / Date and time: 15.4.24
Predavalnica / Location: FAMNIT-VP1
Predavatelj / Lecturer: Marston Conder (University of Auckland, New Zeland)
Naslov / Title: Magma Mini-Course
Vsebina / Abstract:

Get ready for an exhilarating opportunity this April!  Professor Marston Conder from New Zealand will grace FAMNIT with his presence to deliver an insightful mini-course on MAGMA, the powerful computational algebra system.

Course Outline:
Overview of MAGMA and its applications, including graphs, digraphs, and Cayley graphs.
Handling permutation groups, matrix groups, and groups of small order.
Exploring finitely presented groups and their practical applications.

Plus, exciting demonstrations showcasing the practical usage of MAGMA will be included!

Mark your calendars! Here's the schedule:

Monday, April 15th: FAMNIT-VP1
- Opening: 9:50 - 10:00
- MAGMA 1: 10:00 - 11:00
- Coffee break: 11:00 - 11:30
- MAGMA 2: 11:30 - 12:30
- Lunch: 12:30 - 14:00
- MAGMA 3: 14:00 - 15:00
- Coffee break: 15:00 - 15:30
- MAGMA 4: 15:30 - 16:30

Tuesday, April 16th:FAMNIT-MP1
- MAGMA 5: 10:00 - 11:00
- Coffee break: 11:00 - 11:30
- MAGMA 6: 11:30 - 12:30
- Closing remarks: 12:30 onwards

Who Should Attend?
These lectures are perfect for students specializing in Algebraic graph theory, young PhDs, postdocs, and anyone interested in cryptography!

Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity!


Datum in ura / Date and time: 8.4.24
Predavalnica / Location: FAMNIT-MP1
Predavatelj / Lecturer: Andrea Munaro (University of Parma)
Naslov / Title: Polynomial-time approximation schemes for induced subgraph problems on fractionally tree-independence-number-fragile graphs
Vsebina / Abstract:
We investigate a relaxation of the notion of fractional treewidth-fragility, namely fractional tree-independence-number-fragility. In particular, we obtain polynomial-time approximation schemes for meta-problems such as finding a maximum-weight sparse induced subgraph satisfying a given CMSO_2 formula on fractionally tree-independence-number-fragile graph classes. Our approach unifies and extends several known polynomial-time approximation schemes on seemingly unrelated graph classes, such as classes of intersection graphs of fat objects in a fixed dimension or proper minor-closed classes. We also study the related notion of layered tree-independence number, a relaxation of layered treewidth, and its applications to exact subexponential-time algorithms.
Joint work with Esther Galby and Shizhou Yang.

Datum in ura / Date and time: 25.3.24
Predavalnica / Location: FAMNIT-MP1
Predavatelj / Lecturer: Tea Štrekelj (University of Ljubljana)
Naslov / Title: Swap operators and the quantum max cut
Vsebina / Abstract:
Swap operators act on the space $(\mathbb{C}^d)^{\otimes{n}}$ of n qudits by exchanging tensor factors of $(\mathbb{C}^d)^{\otimes{n}}$. The algebra they generate (called the d-swap matrix algebra) is a subalgebra of $M_{d^n}(\mathbb{C}).$ Classically, in physics literature, the case d=2 of qubits has received the most attention. However, in this talk we discuss the properties of the d-swap matrix algebra for the case of a general d. This algebra is semisimple by Maschke's theorem and its block decomposition can be computed by the Schur-Weyl duality. We also give a precise presentation of the d-swap matrix algebra.
As an application, we introduce and discuss the Quantum Max d-Cut (d-QMC) problem. It is a generalization of the QMC (Quantum Max d-Cut with d=2) that has emerged as a test-problem for designing approximation algorithms in quantum physics. For fixed n and a graph G on n vertices, the objective function, the d-QMC Hamiltonian, is defined as a linear expression in the swap operators on $(\mathbb{C}^d)^{\otimes{n}}$. Using the block decomposition of the swap operators, we compute the maximum eigenvalue of the d-QMC Hamiltonian for a clique. Moreover, using a suitable clique decomposition we solve the d-QMC problem for a larger class of graphs, including star graphs

Datum in ura / Date and time: 18.3.24
(15:00 -- 16:00)
Predavalnica / Location: FAMNIT-MP1
Predavatelj / Lecturer: Matjaž Krnc (University of Primorska, Slovenia)
Naslov / Title: Toward characterizing locally common graphs
Vsebina / Abstract:

A graph H is common if the number of monochromatic copies of H in a 2-edge-coloring of the complete graph is asymptotically minimized by the random coloring. The classification of common graphs is one of the most intriguing problems in extremal graph theory. We study the notion of weakly locally common graphs considered by Csóka, Hubai, and Lovász [arXiv:1912.02926], where the graph is required to be the minimizer with respect to perturbations of the random 2-edge-coloring. We give a complete analysis of the 12 initial terms in the Taylor series
determining the number of monochromatic copies of H in such perturbations and classify graphs H based on this analysis into three categories:
   *   Graphs of Class I are weakly locally common.
   *   Graphs of Class II are not weakly locallycommon.
   *   Graphs of Class III cannot be determined to be weakly locally common or not based on the initial 12 terms.
As a corollary, we obtain new necessary conditions on a graph to be common and new sufficient conditions on a graph to be not common.
Joint work with Robert Hancock, Daniel Král’, and Jan Volec.

 Let's dive into the fascinating world of locally common graphs together!

Datum in ura / Date and time: 11.3.24
Predavalnica / Location: FAMNIT-VP1
Predavatelj / Lecturer: Ademir Hujdurović
Naslov / Title: Canonical double covers and their symmetries
Vsebina / Abstract:

Canonical double cover BX of a graph X is the direct product of X with K_2 (the complete graph on two vertices). Automorphisms of the base graph X naturally lift to automorphisms of BX. In addition, there is an obvious involutory automorphism of BX swapping the bipartition sets. Expected automorphisms of BX are those that can be obtained by combining the above two types, and generate a group isomorphic to Aut(X) × S_2. If BX has only the expected automorphisms, then X is called stable, and it is called unstable otherwise. Characterization of stable graphs is an open problem, even when restricted to special graph classes like circulant graphs. In this talk, I will present several constructions of unstable graphs and characterizations within certain graph families, with special emphasis on circulant graphs. I will show the connection of this problem with Schur rings.


Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend!

Datum in ura / Date and time: 4.3.24
(15:00 -- 16:00)
Predavalnica / Location: FAMNIT-MP1
Predavatelj / Lecturer: Fabio Vlacci (University of Trieste)
Naslov / Title: On a matrix representation of (hyper)complex numbers and functions
Vsebina / Abstract:

We will present a recent approach on matrix representation of hypercomplex regular functions. This topic has been also considered independently by A. Altavilla and  C. de Fabritiis. In this talk, we will explore many applications and potential outcomes of these new representations.
We will start by recollecting ideas on several possible ways of representing complex and hypercomplex (namely quaternionic and octonionic) numbers and how these ideas can be - in some sense - transposed to (some classes of) hypercomplex regular functions.
The seminar is supposed to be self-contained with little knowledge of basic complex analysis.
This is a jont work with Jasna Prezelj.

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend!


Datum in ura / Date and time: 27.2.24
(14:00 -- 15:00)
Predavalnica / Location: FAMNIT-VP1
Predavatelj / Lecturer: Joy Morris (University of Lethbridge, Canada)
Naslov / Title: Detecting (Di)Graphical Regular Representations
Vsebina / Abstract:
Graphical and Digraphical Regular Representations (GRRs and DRRs) are a concrete way to visualise the regular action of a group, using (di)graphs. More precisely, a GRR or DRR on the group $G$ is a (di)graph whose automorphism group is isomorphic to the regular action of $G$ on itself by right-multiplication. 
For a (di)graph to be a DRR or GRR on $G$, it must be a Cayley (di)graph on $G$. Whenever the group $G$ admits an automorphism that fixes the connection set of the Cayley (di)graph setwise, this induces a nontrivial graph automorphism that fixes the identity vertex, which means that the (di)graph is not a DRR or GRR. Checking whether or not there is any group automorphism that fixes a particular connection set can be done very quickly and easily compared with checking whether or not any nontrivial graph automorphism fixes some vertex, so it would be nice to know if there are circumstances under which the simpler test is enough to guarantee whether or not the Cayley graph is a GRR or DRR. I will present a number of results on this question.
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Meeting ID: 859 1431 8577

Don't miss out on this opportunity to delve into cutting-edge research and expand your mathematical horizons!



Datum in ura / Date and time: 19.2.24
(15:00 -- 16:00)
Predavalnica / Location: FAMNIT-VP1
Predavatelj / Lecturer: Marko Orel (University of Primorska)
Naslov / Title: Marko Orel
Vsebina / Abstract:

In this talk, a graph Γ = (V, E) is a finite simple graph, which means that V is a finite set and E is a family of its subsets that have two elements. Given two graphs Γ1 = (V1, E1) and Γ2 = (V2, E2), a map Φ : V1 → V2 is
a homomorphism if {Φ(u), Φ(v)} ∈ E2 whenever {u, v} ∈ E1. A bijective homomorphism is an isomorphism in the case {Φ(u), Φ(v)} ∈ E2 if and only if {u, v} ∈ E1. As usual, if Γ1 = Γ2, then a homomorphism/isomorphism is
an endomorphism/automorphism. A core of a graph Γ is any its subgraph Γ0 such that a) there exists some homomorphism from Γ to Γ0 and b) all endomorphisms of Γ0 are automorphisms.
In graph theory, Γ1 and Γ2 are usually treated as ‘equivalent’ if they are isomorphic, i.e. if there exists some isomorphism between them. Less frequent we meet the notion of homomorphically equivalent graphs Γ1, Γ2,
which means that there exists a graph homomorphism Φ : V1 → V2 and a graph homomorphism Ψ : V2 → V1. Here, the notion of a core appears very naturally because two graphs are homomorphically equivalent if and
only if they have isomorphic cores. Often, it is very difficult to decide if there exists a homomorphism between two graphs. In fact, this problem is related to many graph parameters that are hard to compute, such as the
chromatic/clique/independence number. As a result, the study of cores is challenging. In this talk, I will survey some properties of cores, with an emphasis on graphs that either admit a certain degree of ‘symmetry’ or have
‘nice’ combinatorial properties.


Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.


Datum in ura / Date and time: 15.1.24
(15:00 -- 16:00)
Predavalnica / Location: FAMNIT-MP1
Predavatelj / Lecturer: Hassan Cheraghpour (University of Primorska)
Naslov / Title: Vanishing Immanants
Vsebina / Abstract:

Let $ Q_{n}(\CC) $ be the space of all $ n\times n $ alternate matricesvover the complex field $ \CC $ and let $ d_{\chi}(A) $ denote the immanant of the matrix $ A \in Q_{n}(\CC) $ associated with the irreducible character $ \chi $ of the permutation group $ S_{n} $‎. ‎The main goal in this paper is to find all the irreducible characters
such that the induced immanant function $ d_{\chi} $ vanishes identically on $ Q_{n}(\CC) $‎.

This is a joint work with Bojan Kuzma.


Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.

Datum in ura / Date and time: 8.1.24
(15:00 -- 16:00)
Predavalnica / Location: FAMNIT-MP1
Predavatelj / Lecturer: Franc Forstnerič (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Naslov / Title: Minimal surfaces with symmetries
Vsebina / Abstract:

A minimal surface in a Euclidean space $\mathbb R^n$ for $n\ge 3$ is an immersed surface which locally minimizes the area. Every oriented minimal surface is parameterized by a conformal harmonic immersion from an open Riemann surface, and vice versa. In this talk, I shall present a recent result on the existence of minimal surfaces of a given conformal type having a given finite group of symmetries induced by orthogonal transformations on $\mathbb R^n$.


Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.