Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije

Ponedeljkov seminar računalništva in informatike - Arhiv

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ponedeljek, 8. julij 2024 Žan Peternelj: Razvoj spletne aplikacije za nadomestitev in nadgradnjo obstoječe namizne različice

V ponedeljek, 8. julija 2024, bo ob 16.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.

ČAS/PROSTOR: 8. julij 2024 ob 16.00 na daljavo prek Zoom-a.


Žan Peternelj je absolvent magistrskega programa Računalništva in informatike na UP FAMNIT.

NASLOV: Razvoj spletne aplikacije za nadomestitev in nadgradnjo obstoječe namizne različice


Zaradi nenehnega napredka tehnologij in življenjskega cikla programske opreme je nujno, da se programske rešitve nadgrajujejo ali ponovno razvijajo, da bi ustrezale najnovejšim standardom in specifikacijam. V okviru ponedeljkovega seminarja bomo predstavili temo magistrske naloge o prenovi obstoječe aplikacije podjetja Magas d.o.o. za pomoč pri vodenju bolnikov na antikoagulacijskem zdravljenju s prehodom iz namiznega v spletno okolje.

Seminar bo potekal v slovenskem jeziku prek Zoom-a s pričetkom ob 16:00 uri na sledeči povezavi:

Meeting ID: 297 328 207
Passcode: 123456789


sobota, 22. junij 2024 Jani SUBAN: Kompaktna priponska drevesa

V ponedeljek, 24. junija 2024, bo ob 16.00 uri izvedeno 
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.

ČAS/PROSTOR: 24. junij 2024 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP1.


Jani Suban je študent drugega letnika magistrskega programa Računalništva in informatike na UP FAMNIT. Predstavitev bo potekala v okviru raziskovalnega seminarja.

NASLOV: Kompaktna priponska drevesa


Pogosti problem v bioinformatiki in procesiranju naravnih jezikov je iskanje vzorcev v besedilu. Če želimo ugotoviti ali zgolj en vzorec obstaja v besedilo, lahko le to storimo z uporabo Knuth–Morris–Pratt algoritma. Če pa želi najti vse ponovitve vzorca ali poiskati prisotno več vzorcev potrebujem indeks nad besedilom. V tem seminarju bo predstavljena podatkovna struktura priponsko drevo, ki je pogosto uporabljeno za indeksiranje besedila. Poleg priponskega drevesa bo predstavljena tudi kompaktna predstavitev priponskega drevesa.

Seminar bo potekal v slovenskem jeziku v FAMNIT-VP1 s pričetkom ob 16:00 uri.


ponedeljek, 10. junij 2024 ODPOVEDANO: Milan NIKOLIĆ: Primer Optimizacije stroškov v Kubernetes Cluster-ju na Amazon AWS

Današnji seminar je odpovedan. O ponovnem terminu boste obveščeni naknadno.

V ponedeljek, 10. junija 2024, bo ob 16.00 uri izvedeno 
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.

ČAS/PROSTOR: 10. junij 2024 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP1.


Milan Nikolić obiskuje 2. letnik magistrskega programa Računalništvo in Informatika. Trenutno je v Pragi na Erasmus izmenjavi na Karlovi univerzi. Kar zadeva delovne izkušnje, zadnjih 5 let kot študent dela na oddelku za raziskave in razvoj GEN-I, kjer se ukvarja z infrastrukturo, IoT napravami ter front-end in back-end razvojem.

NASLOV: Primer Optimizacije stroškov v Kubernetes Cluster-ju na Amazon AWS


Seminar je raziskovanje strategij za izboljšanje stroškovne učinkovitosti v okviru deployment-a Kubernetes na platformi Amazon AWS. Vsebuje pregled osnove Kubernetes-a in AWS, analizo praks zaračunavanja AWS, s poudarkom na izzivih pri preglednosti stroškov. Nazadnje bosta predstavljeni dve specializirani orodji za spremljanje in optimizacijo stroškov, ki omogočata informirano odločanje za zmanjšanje nepotrebnih stroškov.

Seminar bo potekal v slovenskem jeziku v FAMNIT-VP1 s pričetkom ob 16:00 uri.


ponedeljek, 3. junij 2024 2 predavanji: Karolina TRAJKOVSKA & Milan MILIVOJČEVIĆ: Harnessing Deep Neural Networks for Area of Interest Annotation in Eye Tracking Research & Star-Forest Decompositions of Complete Graphs

V ponedeljek, 3. junija 2024, bosta ob 16.00 uri izvedeni dve
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.

ČAS/PROSTOR: 3. junij 2024 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP1.

1. predavanje:


Karolina Trajkovska is a second-year Computer Science master's student at UP FAMNIT and a member of the HICUP Lab.

NASLOV: Harnessing Deep Neural Networks for Area of Interest Annotation in Eye Tracking Research


Eye gaze is widely recognised as an important indicator for understanding and predicting user behaviour, as well as directing their attention across various domains including advertisement design, human-computer interaction and film viewing. We present a novel method to enhance the analysis of user behaviour and attention by (i) augmenting video streams with automatically annotated and labelled areas of interest (AOIs), and (ii) integrating AOIs with collected gaze and fixation data. The tool provides key features such as time to first fixation, dwell time, and frequency of AOI revisits. Using the capabilities of the YOLOv8 object tracking algorithm, the tools supports over 600 different object classes, providing a comprehensive set for a variety of video streams. This tool will be made available as open-source software, thereby contributing to broader research and development efforts in the field.

2. predavanje:


Milan Milivojčević is a second-year Computer Science master's student at UP FAMNIT. He previously obtained a Computer Science bachelor's degree at UP FAMNIT. He will be presenting the work that was done on his study exchange at the Charles University in Prague together with colleagues Todor Antić and Jelena Glišić. This work was published on the 40th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG) and on the International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (IWOCA) 2024.

NASLOV: Star-Forest Decompositions of Complete Graphs


This work deals with the problem of decomposing a complete geometric graph into plane star-forests. In particular, we disprove a recent conjecture by Pach, Saghafian and Schnider by constructing for each n a complete geometric graph on n vertices which can be decomposed into ⌈n/2⌉ +1 plane star-forests. Additionally we prove that for even n, every decomposition of complete abstract graph on n vertices into n/2 +1 star-forests is composed of a perfect matching and n/2 star-forests with two edge-balanced components, which we call broken double stars.

Seminarja bosta potekala v angleškem jeziku v FAMNIT-VP1 s pričetkom ob 16:00 uri.


ponedeljek, 27. maj 2024 Nedim ŠIŠIĆ: Comparison of brain MRI segmentation pipelines

V ponedeljek, 27. maja 2024, bo ob 16.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.

ČAS/PROSTOR: 27. maj 2024 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP2.


Nedim Šišić is a second-year PhD student at UP FAMNIT under the mentorship of Assist. Prof. Peter Rogelj. His PhD research concerns neural networks in medical imaging, specifically in segmentation of brain MRI.

NASLOV: Comparison of brain MRI segmentation pipelines


Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is frequently used in clinical trials to estimate longitudinal brain volume changes in order to asses treatment effect in neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's Disease and Multiple Sclerosis. A standard pre-processing step in volume estimation involves segmentation of MRI into distinct brain structures, and a large number of automated brain segmentation tools/pipelines have thus been developed. The seminar will present a comparison of six segmentation pipelines frequently used in clinical trials: FreeSurfer, SamSeg, FastSurfer, SIENAX, SPM12, and CAT12 on healthy controls and patients with Alzheimer’s disease and multiple sclerosis. The project was conducted as part of an internship at F. Hoffmann-La Roche, a pharmaceutical company currently developing drugs for various neurological diseases.

Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku v FAMNIT-VP2 s pričetkom ob 16:00 uri.


petek, 17. maj 2024 Zorica STANIMIROVIĆ: A GVNS-based solution approach to the Uncapacitated Single Allocation p-hub Maximal Covering Problem

V ponedeljek, 20. maja 2024, bo ob 16.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.

ČAS/PROSTOR: 20. maj 2024 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP2.


Zorica Stanimirović PhD, is a Full Professor at the Department for Numerical Mathematics and Optimization, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade and Coordinator for International Cooperation of the same institution. She graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics in 2000, received a master's degree in 2004, and PhD in 2007 at the same institution. She has been the local coordinator for several international projects and a member of program or organizational boards of several national and international conferences. From 2010 to 2015, she was Vice-Dean for Science and Research at the Faculty of Mathematics. Her research areas include Mathematical Modeling, Combinatorial Optimization, Metaheuristics, and Hybrid Optimization Methods. Up to now, she has published over 120 publications that have been cited 1182 times, her h-index is 19 and her i10 index is 32. More information and a list of publications are available at http://www.matf.bg.ac.rs/p/zoricast/pocetna/.

NASLOV: A GVNS-based solution approach to the Uncapacitated Single Allocation p-hub Maximal Covering Problem


Hub covering problems represent extensions of classical covering location problems and they are widely studied in the literature, due to their theoretical and practical importance in location science. This study considers the Uncapacitated Single Allocation p-hub Maximal Covering Problem (USApHMCP) with binary coverage criterion. The USApHMCP considers a complete symmetric graph G=(N,E), where N represents a set of nodes, while E denotes a set of edges. Transportation costs per unit of flow and the flow demand for each origin-destination (O-D) pair i-j are given (i,j ϵ N). The goal of USApHMCP is to choose locations of p hubs from the set H ⊆ N, and to allocate non-hub nodes to hubs, such that the total covered flow between O-D pairs is maximized. The flow between an O-D pair is considered "covered" if the transportation costs are within the given maximum service distance (coverage radius). Each non-hub node is assigned to exactly one hub and the incoming and outgoing flows are sent only through that hub (single allocation scheme). A mixed integer formulation of the USApHMCP is presented and used within the framework of CPLEX solver on hub instances from the literature. As USApHMCP belongs to the class of NP-hard optimization problems, a solution approach based on General Variable Neighborhood Search (GVNS) heuristic is developed to tackle instances of larger problem dimensions. Two variants of GVNS heuristics are proposed, which use different procedures in the solution improvement phase: Sequential Variable Neighborhood Descent and Nested Variable Neighborhood Descent. The impact of these two procedures on overall GVNS performance is investigated through extensive computational experiments on standard hub instances from the literature. The obtained results indicate the efficiency of both GVNS variants, however, the one with Nested Variable Neighborhood Descent procedure was more successful with respect to both solution quality and running times. The results of GVNS on large-scale problem instances are also presented, showing the potential of GVNS when solving USApHMCP on realistic-size hub networks.

Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku v FAMNIT-VP2 s pričetkom ob 16:00 uri.


ponedeljek, 6. maj 2024 Domen VAKE: URŠKA - Univerzitetne rešitve: Študentski Komunikacijski Agent

V ponedeljek, 6. maja 2024, bo ob 16.00 uri izvedeno
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.

ČAS/PROSTOR: 6. maj 2024 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP2.


Domen Vake is a third-year PhD student at UP FAMNIT under the mentorship of Assoc. Prof. Branko Kavšek and Assoc. Prof. Jernej Vičič. His research interests and projects mostly concern machine learning, more specifically natural language processing with large language models.

NASLOV: URŠKA - Univerzitetne rešitve: Študentski Komunikacijski Agent


This presentation will provide an overview of large language models (LLMs), focusing on their architecture, capabilities, and the underlying technologies that power them. We will then explore a practical application of these models through a case study on URŠKA, a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) based communication agent. URŠKA is designed to assist university students by answering frequently asked questions about deadlines, academic policies, and more. The talk will highlight the implementation challenges, the integration of RAG with URŠKA, and its plans.

Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku v FAMNIT-VP2 s pričetkom ob 16:00 uri.


sreda, 17. januar 2024 Domen ŠOBERL: Qualitative Reasoning in Artificial Intelligence — bridging the gap between machine learning and human reasoning

V ponedeljek, 22. januarja 2024, bo ob 16.00 uri izvedeno 
Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.

ČAS/PROSTOR: 22. januar 2024 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP3.


Domen Šoberl received his PhD in computer science in 2021 from University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science. He is currently employed as a teaching assistant at UP FAMNIT. His current research interests lie in various areas of artificial intelligence, including deep learning, generative adversarial networks, reinforcement learning, and qualitative reasoning.

NASLOV: Qualitative Reasoning in Artificial Intelligence — bridging the gap between machine learning and human reasoning


A fundamental difference between the way conventional methods of Artificial Intelligence (AI) make decisions and the way humans think and reason is that humans reason qualitatively, while AI typically makes decisions based on numerical computations. The gap between the two worlds — the human and the machine — becomes apparent when it comes to exchanging learned knowledge. Traditional numerical models usually consist of a large number of numerical parameters that convey little or no information to a human on why a particular decision or action was taken. On the other hand, it is very difficult for a human to describe their intuitive knowledge of how a particular mechanism works to an AI algorithm in a way that the algorithm can utilize in planning and decision-making. Qualitative Reasoning (QR) is a branch within AI research that focuses on how AI can reason about processes qualitatively, and present the findings in a form that approximates human intuition. I will present the historical origins of Qualitative Reasoning (QR) in AI, its later developments, and the current state of the art. I will focus on the area of agent learning and planning in continuous domains with numerical sensory and actuation systems. We will explore the full cycle of automated abstraction of qualitative representations from numerical observations, the search for symbolic solutions through qualitative reasoning, and the implementation of the found solutions in the original numerical domain. I will explain the foundations of qualitative physics and qualitative simulation, which is the basis for qualitative planning, and thus for predicting possible future behaviors in a symbolic and explainable way. I will present the results of experiments with different robot problems, such as learning to walk, learning to push objects, and learning to swing up and balance a pole.

Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku v FAMNIT-VP3 s pričetkom ob 16:00 uri.
