Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije

sreda, 10. januar 2024 Ilona Rac: Težave z uporabo pojma ekosistemskih storitev za potrebe oblikovanja politik

V sredo, 17. januarja 2024, bo izveden drugi seminar o kopenskih vsebinah.

ČAS IN PROSTOR: Predavanje bo potekalo prek ZOOM povezave, od 12. do 13. ure. 

Predavateljica: Ilona Rac

The primary background of Ilona Rac is  Law and Agronomy; she has recently acquired her PhD in the field of Economics of natural resources. Her work mainly consists of agricultural policy analysis and advice with regard to environmental issues. She has worked in several EU and national projects dealing with agriculture and its related environmental issues, including ecosystem services, as well as projects dealing with the issue of food waste. In this seminar, she will present her experience with research projects aiming to assess ecosystem services in order to provide support for evidence-based policymaking.

NASLOV: Težave z uporabo pojma ekosistemskih storitev za potrebe oblikovanja politik

The seminar talk will focus on issues around implementing the concept of ecosystem services in policy and practice. While ecosystem services have been hailed as a promising concept to reconcile different interests in the uses of nature, actually implementing them in practice has proven to be trickier. The talk will include a brief overview of the concept of ecosystem services, state of the art on its implementation and personal research experience, especially with regard to the inclusion of stakeholders.