Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije

četrtek, 21. oktober 2021 Presenation of libraries at University of Primorska for foreign students – 26. 10. 2021

Every faculty at University of Primorska has its own library. As a student of our University you can use services in all of them. What does UP UK library membership offer you? How do you get the material of individual libraries? How and where do you find it? Who can you turn to when you need information?

If you want to know how to use our services join us at Zoom meeting on Tuesday, 26. October 2021, at 12.00.

Zoom link: https://upr-si.zoom.us/j/5782775981?pwd=aWVPSVFZOHhJVU5EZmtSRnIzK0o1QT09

Meeting ID: 578 277 5981

Passcode: 810049

We kindly invite you to the presentation.