Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije

ponedeljek, 17. maj 2021 Danes se odpirajo prijave za Biološko-psihološko študentsko konferenco // Registration to Biological-Psychological Student Conference opens today

Danes, 17. maja 2021, ob 12.00 se odpirajo prijave za aktivno udeležbo na Biološko-psihološki študentski konferenci, ki se bo odvila 9. - 10. oktobra 2021. Več informacij je na voljo tukaj.

Študentska konferenca se deli na psihološki in biološki modul. Prispevke se bo ocenjevalo v dveh kategorijah, in sicer prispevke pripravljene na dodiplomskem študiju in na prispevke pripravljene na podiplomskem (magistrskem/doktorskem) študiju. Strokovna komisija bo ocenjevala ustreznost prispevkov na podlagi kvalitete. Na vsakem modulu bo največ 30 mest namenjenih ustnim predstavitvam. Nekatere predstavitve prispevkov bodo potekale tudi v obliki posterjev. Udeleženci lahko izberete kakšno obliko predstavitve bi si želeli. Strokovna komisija bo poskušala upoštevati vaše želje, a se lahko izbira ustne predstavitve oziroma posterja zaradi lažje organizacije naknadno spremeni. Najboljši prispevki konference bodo nagrajeni.  

Izvedba konference bo potekala hibridno, pri čemer bodo ustne predstavitve potekale v živo na lokaciji in se prenašale preko Zooma. Predstavitve posterjev bodo zagotovo potekale preko spleta, v kolikor bo situacija z epidemijo SARS-CoV-2 dopuščala, pa bomo omogočili tudi predstavitve na lokaciji.   

Prijave na konferenco bodo odprte od ponedeljka, 17. maja 2021, 12.00 do petka, 18. junija 2021, 23.59. 

Kako se prijavim?  

  1. Izpolnite obrazec na spletnem portalu 1ka (na spletni strani)
  2. V obrazec naložite tudi Word datoteko z vašim povzetkom prispevka. Datoteko poimenujete na naslednji način:  Priimek_Ime_BPSC2021.doc(x) - vzorec povzetka
    • ​​Pri pripravi predstavitve bodite pozorni, da vaše delo ni plagiat
  3. V obrazec ravno tako naložite izjavo o soavtorstvu (podpišejo jo vaši mentorji oziroma morebitni somentorji) - vzorec izjave
  4. Strokovna komisija bo pregledala vse povzetke in presodila o ustreznosti prispevka ter o vrsti predstavitve. Ko prejmete potrditev sprejema prispevka, poravnate prijavnino v vrednosti 25 EUR

Pasivna udeležba  

Omogočena bo tudi pasivna udeležba. Način pasivne udeležbe bo znan naknadno, glede na situacijo z epidemijo COVID-19 in ukrepi za preprečevanje širjenja okužbe.   

Prijave za pasivno udeležbo se bodo predvidoma odprle septembra 2021. 


Registration for active participation in the Biological-Psychological Student Conference, which will take place from 9 to 10 October 2021, opens today, May 17, 2021, at 12:00. More information is available here.

The student conference is divided into a psychological and a biological module. Abstracts will be evaluated and divided in two categories, undergraduate and postgraduate (master/doctoral) studies, based on which study level the scientific work was prepared. The scientific committee will evaluate and select the abstracts based on their quality. On each module there will be a maximum of 30 spots for oral presentations. There will be a chance to prepare presentations in form of posters as well. Participants can choose what kind of presentation they would like to make between the two. The scientific committee will try to take into account all participants wishes, but the choice of an oral presentation or a poster may change later based on the quality of the abstracts and for an easier organization as well. The best presentations (oral and posters) of the conference will be awarded. 

The conference will be organised in a hybrid mode. Oral presentations will take place live on site and will be broadcasted via Zoom. Poster presentations will take place online, but if the situation with the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic allows it, we will also provide on-site presentations. 

Registrations for the conference will be open from Monday, May 17, 2021, 12:00 until Friday, June 18, 2021, 23:59. 

How to register? 

  1. Fill out the form on the 1ka web portal (see this link)
  2. In the form upload your abstract in a Word document. Rename the file as: Surname_Name_BPSC2021.doc(x) - abstract template 
    • When preparing a presentation (oral or poster), pay attention to the rules on plagiarism. 
  3. In the form upload the co-authorship statement (signed by your mentor/s and co-mentor/s) - statement template
  4. The scientific committee will review all abstracts and evaluate their adequacy for the conference. After you have received the confirmation of acceptance of your abstract you will have to pay a registration fee of 25 Euros. 

Passive participation 

Passive participation as listeners will be possible as well. Such kind of participation will be known at a later stage, depending on the situation with the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic and measures to prevent the spread of the infection. 

Applications for passive participation are expected to open in September 2021.