Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije

ponedeljek, 8. avgust 2022 Odprt je dodatni razpis za mobilnost osebja // Additional Open Call for applications for teaching staff mobility

Odprt je dodatni razpis za mobilnost osebja v jesenskem semestru 2022/23 z namenom poučevanja ERASMUS+ v sklopu  mreže Trasnform4Europe

Univerza na Primorskem je v letu 2022 realizirala enega od ciljev Srednjeročne razvojne strategije 2021 – 2027 in postala pridružena članica Evropske Univerze Transform4Europe (T4E), ene izmed 41 evropskih univerz, ki predstavljajo iniciativo Evropske komisije, katere namen je povečanje privlačnosti in konkurenčnosti evropskega visokošolskega prostora v svetu.

Razpis je namenjen mobilnosti osebja z namenom POUČEVANJA V JESENSKEM SEMESTRU ZA ŠTUDIJSKO LETO 2022/2023 na sedmih univerzah, ČLANICAH ZVEZE TRANSFORM4EUROPE:

• Saarland University (Nemčija)

• The University of Alicante (Španija)

• The Estonian Academy of Arts (Estonija)

• The University of Silesia in Katowice (Poljska)

• Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski (Bulgarija)

• The University of Trieste (Italija)

• Vytautas Magnus University (Litva)

Več informacij ter pogoji prijave so na voljo tukaj.

Postopek prijave je odprt od julija 2022 do septembra 2022. Za konkretne roke preverite razpisne pogoje posamezne univerze v objavljenem razpisu.

PRIJAVA je mogoča tukaj (v seznamu partnerskih institucij izberete eno od zgoraj naštetih institucij): https://vis.upr.si/studij/izmenjavazaposleni/prof_izmenjava_prva.asp

NAVODILA za oddajo prijave: https://www.upr.si/files/static/1876

 PRILOGA 1  partnerske institucije za UP FAMNIT -E+KA131-BA-UP-poučevanje https://www.upr.si/files/static/1880


Additional Open Call for applications for co-financing the mobility for teaching staff in the fall semester 2022/23 within the ERASMUS+ program within the Transform4Europe Alliance.

In 2022, the University of Primorska concluded one of the objectives of the Medium-term Development Strategy 2021-2027 and became an associate member of the European University Transform4Europe (T4E), as one of the 41 European universities representing the initiative of the European Commission, the purpose of which is to increase the attractiveness and competitiveness of the European higher education area in the world.

The Call is open for TEACHING STAFF MOBILITY IN THE FALL SEMESTER 2022/23 at seven Universities within the TRANSFORM4EUROPE ALLIANCE:

• Saarland University (Germany)

• The University of Alicante (Spain)

• The Estonian Academy of Arts (Estonia)

• The University of Silesia in Katowice (Poland)

• Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski (Bulgaria)

• The University of Trieste (Italy)

• Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania)

More information and application procedure is available here.

Тhe application process is open from July 2022 to Sept 2022. Please check the specific conditions sections of each Alliance University for the concrete deadlines.

APPLICATION FORM: (choose one of the partner institutions in the drop-down menu): https://vis.upr.si/studij/izmenjavazaposleni/prof_izmenjava_prva.asp

Instructions for submitting the application: https://www.upr.si/files/static/1885

ANNEX 1 – Partner institutions for UP FAMNIT - E+Ka131-BA-UP-teaching: https://www.upr.si/files/static/1880

ANNEX 2Open Call