Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije

petek, 18. september 2020 18th International Youth Conference // 18. Mednarodna konferenca mladih

This years International Youth Conference, organized by the Youth Alliance Kruševo and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung is called “European values for the future for SEE region” and aims to connect over 80 participants from SEE countries.

The main aim of the International Youth Conference is supporting energetic and committed young leaders from Southeast Europe to work for a European future of the region on daily basis. Moreover, this conference tends to promote the European Values amongst them and in their societies. The resulted deliverables will be a set of action-oriented recommendations and proposals for promotion of the European Values that will be leveraged through the active young leaders in the SEE region. Detailed information regarding the conference can be found on the conference web site

The deadline for application is the 15th of October 2020 and scholarships are available.

Mednarodna mladinska konferenca, ki jo organizirata Mladinska organizacia Youth Alliance Kruševo in fundacija Friedrich Ebert v Skopju bo letos poimenovana "Evropske vrednote za prihodnost za regijo JVE". 

Glavni cilj konference je podpora energičnim in zavzetim mladim iz jugovzhodne Evrope, da si vsak dan prizadevajo za evropsko prihodnost regije. Konferenca spodbuja evropske vrednote med njimi in v njihovih družbah. Rezultat srečanja bo niz akcijsko usmerjenih priporočil in predlogov za promocijo evropskih vrednot, ki jih bodo izkoristili aktivni mladi v tej regiji. Podrobne informacije o konferenci najdete na spletni strani.

Rok za prijavo je 15. oktober 2020, na voljo so štipendije za udeležence.