Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije

petek, 17. november 2023 Odprt razpis za udeležbo študentov na kombniranih intenzivnih programih (KIP-ih) v okviru programa Erasmus+ KA131 2023 // Open Call Under Erasmu+ (KA131 2023) for Student Mobility at Blended Intensive Programs (BIPs)

Razpis za udeležbo študentov na kombiniranih intenzivnih programih (KIP-ih) v okviru programa Erasmus+ je bil objavljen 16. novembra 2023 na UP spletni strani.

Rok za zbiranje prijave je določen kot odprti rok prijave in prične teči na dan objave razpisa in traja do porabe sredstev, vendar najdlje do predvidoma 31. maja 2025.

Študenti lahko  prijavo oddajo kadarkoli, vendar najmanj 2 meseca pred začetkom izbranega KIP-a.

Študenti prijavo oddajo preko Microsoft Forms spletnega obrazca (spletne prijavice). Prijava mora vsebovati tudi:

Več informacij o KIP-ih, razpisu in postopku prijave je na voljo tu.


The open call for student participation in Blended Intensive Programs (BIPs) under the Erasmus+ program was officially announced on the UP website on November 16, 2023.

The application deadline is set as an open deadline, commencing from the date of the call announcement. The application period continues until funds are exhausted or, at the latest, until May 31, 2025.

Students are encouraged to submit their applications at any time. However, it is recommended to apply at least 2 months before the chosen KIP's scheduled start date.

Applications should be submitted through the Microsoft Forms online form, including following required attachments:

Further information on BIPs, Open Call and application procedure is available here.