Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije

petek, 1. december 2023 Heidelberg Laureate Forum 2024: a perfect opportunity for young Researchers in computer science and mathematics

Forum nagrajencev (HLF) bo potekal v Heidelbergu, Nemčija, med 22. in 27. septembrom 2024.

V okviru festivala so vabljeni vsi dobitniki Fieldsove, Abelove, Turingove nagrade ACM, Nevanlinnove nagrade IMU Abacus in nagrade ACM za računalništvo.


Prav tako so vabljeni vsi matematični in računalniški entuziasti, da se prijavijo k sodelovanju, saj sodelovanje prinaša neposredno možnost povezovanja med strokovnjaki s področja matematike in računalništva.

Zakaj sodelovati? Na tedenski konferenci boste mladi raziskovalci imeli odlično priložnost spoznati nagrajence, ki so se prebili na sam vrh svojih področij.

Izjava enega izmed mladih raziskovalcev: "Spoznati ljudi, ki stojijo za nekaterimi najbolj izjemnimi izumi in odkritji našega časa, je bilo fenomenalno. Morda je bilo nepričakovano, kako topli in dostopni so se izkazali ti posamezniki. Hvaležen sem, da mi je bila dana ta priložnost in da sem jo lahko delil z vrstniki, za katere upam, da jih bom kmalu imenoval kolegi, sodelavci in prijatelji."

Prijave za sodelovanje na 11. HLF so razdeljene v tri kategorije:

  • Dodiplomski/podiplomski,

  • Podiplomski doktorski, in

  • Podoktorski študenti.

Mlade raziskovalce lahko imenujejo tudi organizacije, ki so članice IMU, ter nacionalna matematična društva. Osebe, ki so imenovane, so 'prednostno obravnavane', vendar zaradi prevelikega števila nominacij nimajo zagotovila, da bodo sprejete. Pri registraciji lahko uporabite kodo IMU75896.

Obdobje za oddajo vlog traja od 9. novembra 2023 do 9. februarja 2024.

  • Izpolnjeno prijavo oddate do 9. februarja (do polnoči po srednjeevropskem času).

Za vsa vprašanja pišite na: yr@heidelberg-laureate-forum.org.

Spletno prijavo in obrazce najdete na spletni strani https://application.heidelberg-laureate-forum.org.

Ostale informacije: http://www.heidelberg-laureate-forum.org/

The 11th Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF) will take place in Heidelberg, Germany between 22–27 September 2024.

At the HLF, all winners of the Fields Medal, the Abel Prize, the ACM A.M. Turing Award, the Nevanlinna Prize/IMU Abacus Medal, and the ACM Prize in Computing are invited to attend. 


In additionyoung and talented computer scientists and mathematicians are invited to apply for participation. 

Why participate? The HLF serves as a great platform for interaction between the masters in the fields of mathematics and computer science and young talents.

Over the course of the week-long conference, young researchers will be given the exclusive possibility to profoundly connect with their scientific role models and find out how the laureates made it to the top of their fields. As described by a young researcher, “Meeting the humans behind some of the most formidable inventions and discoveries of our time was phenomenal. What was unexpected, perhaps, was how warm and approachable these individuals turned out to be. I am grateful to have been given this opportunity, and to have shared it with peers who I hope to soon call colleagues, collaborators and friends."

Young researchers at all phases of their careers (Undergraduate/Pre-Master, Graduate PhD, or PostDocs) are encouraged to complete and submit their applications by 9 February (midnight CET).

The deadline for application is 9 February 2024.

The IMU Adhering Organizations and national mathematical societies can also nominate young researchers. Nominated persons get “priority treatment”, but, since there may be too many nominations, they have no acceptance guarantee.  You may use the code IMU75896 when registering. 

 All applications that are completed and submitted by the deadline are meticulously reviewed by an international committee of experts to ensure that only the most qualified candidates are invited. There are 100 spaces available for each discipline of mathematics and computer science. All applicants will be notified by the end of April 2024 whether or not they are invited.

For questions regarding requirements and the application process, please contact Young Researchers Relations at: yr@heidelberg-laureate-forum.org  

See the webpage https://application.heidelberg-laureate-forum.org for the online application and nomination forms.

For more information, please visit: http://www.heidelberg-laureate-forum.org/