Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije


Ste mlad inženir, še študirate, a želite začeti delati?

Iščete priložnost, da preizkusite svoje znanje in delate na pravem poslovnem projektu?

Ali ne bi bilo super narediti pravi korak v poslovnem svetu in osvojiti 10.000?

BOOM, inovativno središče znanja in inovacij CRIF, je fizični in digitalni prostor za razvoj veščin prihodnosti s skupnim učenjem, agilnimi inovacijami in gradnjo novih projektov za spodbujanje rasti in prihodnjih poslov.

BOOM za mednarodno stranko lansira prvo izdajo Future Pack Challenge. Ta izziv je odprt za študente po vsem svetu, posebej pa je namenjen dodiplomskim študentom inženirskih fakultet.

Udeleženci bodo raziskovali področja, kot so načini uporabe, novi materiali, dimenzije in izboljšanje uporabniške izkušnje v maloprodajnih okoljih.

Poleg tega bo izziv spodbudil nove perspektive in pristope, povezane s spodbujanjem trajnosti v procesu pakiranja.

O projektu

Udeleženci bodo razdeljeni v mednarodno ekipo, skozi celoten projekt pa jih bodo vodili naši mentorji, ki vas bodo naučili delati kot pravi Project Manager s svojo ekipo.

Od 9. februarja do 9. julija bodo organizirana tedenska srečanja na daljavo, na katerih bodo udeleženci lahko izkusili team building in zbirali ideje za končno predstavitev.

9. julija bo zmagovalna ekipa povabljena v Bologno na podelitev nagrade, ki znaša 10.000 €.

Veselimo se vaših idej na področju ustvarjanja svežih formatov izdelkov, implementacije novih tehnologij in optimizacije uporabniške izkušnje.

Če ste trenutno študent enega od teh programov (od 2. do 5. letnika):

  •  Inženirska avtomatizacija

  •  Računalniški inženiring

  •  Strojništvo

  •  Vodstveni inženiring

  •  Farmacevtska kemija

  •  Biomedicinski inženiring

Če vas zanima, nam pošljite svoj življenjepis v angleščini TalentAcquisitionHQ@crif.com

Are you a young engineer, still studying but eager to start working?

Are you looking for an opportunity to test your knowledge and work on a real business project?

Wouldn't it be awesome to take a real step in the business world and win 10.000?

BOOM, CRIF's innovative Knowledge and Innovation Hub, is a physical and digital space for the developmentof the skills of the future through shared learning, agile innovation and the building of new projects to drive growth and future business.

BOOM is launching for an international client the very first edition of the Future Pack Challenge. This challenge is open to university students worldwide, specifically targeting undergraduates from engineering faculties.

Participants will explore areas such as usage methods, new materials, dimensions, and enhancing the customer experience in retail settings.

Additionally, the challenge will encourage fresh perspectives and approaches related to fostering sustainability in the packaging process. 

About the project

The participants will be divided into an international team and guided through the whole project by our mentors, who will teach you how to work as a real Project Manager with your team.

From 9th February to the 9th of July, weekly meetings will be organized remotely to give participants the chance to experience team building and gather ideas for the final presentation.

On July 9th, the winning team will be invited to Bologna for the prize assignment, which consists of €10.000.

We look forward to seeing your ideas in terms of the creation of fresh product formats, implementation of new technologies and the optimization of the user experience.

If are currently a student in one of these courses (from the 2nd year to the 5th):

  • Engineering Automation

  • Computer Engineering

  • Mechanical Engineering

  • Management Engineering

  • Pharmaceutical Chemistry

  • Biomedical Engineering

If you’re interested, please send us your CV in English  TalentAcquisitionHQ@crif.com