Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije

četrtek, 14. september 2023 Konferenca VALIANT: Vabilo k oddaji prispevkov // VALIANT Conference: Call for Papers

Med 8. in 9. februarjem 2024 bo v Léonu potekala zaključna konferenca projekta VALIANT: “Exploring the impact of Virtual Exchange on Teacher Education”.

Ministrstvo za vzgojo in izobraževanje k udeležbi vabi učitelje, profesorje, ki bi želeli pri konferenci sodelovati s svojim primerom.

Rok za oddajo povzetka (300 besed) je 22. september.

Več informacij o razpisu in konferenci je dostopnih na naslednji povezavi: valiantconference - Call for Papers


The concluding conference for the VALIANT project, titled "Assessing the Influence of Virtual Exchange on Teacher Education," is scheduled to take place in Léon from February 8 to 9, 2024.

The Ministry of Education extends an invitation to educators and professors interested in presenting their case studies at the conference.

The deadline for submitting abstracts (up to 300 words) is September 22. Further details about the call for submissions and the conference can be found via the following link: valiantconference - Call for Papers