Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije

sreda, 15. november 2023 Mednarodna konferenca “Izobraževanje v turbulentnih časih: na poti k evropskem mreženju in integraciji // International conference “Education in Turbulent Times: towards European networking and integration

Naš T4EU partner, Univerza Vytautas Magnus, v sodelovanju z Uradom litovskega predsednika in Veleposlaništvom Ukrajine v Litvi prisrčno vabi k udeležbi namednarodni konferenci z naslovom »Izobraževanje v turbulentnih časih: na poti k evropskemu mreženju in integraciji«.

Konferenca, ki bo potekala16. novembra 2023, bo izvedena v hibridnem formatu ter se bo osredotočila na področje izobraževanja, zlasti na raziskovanje novih priložnosti za visokošolske ustanove pri soustvarjanju evropskega izobraževalnega in raziskovalnega prostora. Razprave bodo zajemale teme, kot so novi visokošolski kurikulum ter inovativne in inkluzivne pedagogike.

Več informacij o programu je dostopnih tu.

Če bi se konference želeli udeležiti, izpolnite kratek obrazec.

Na konferenci bo potekala panelna razprava z naslovom "Glas ukrajinskih univerz", ki jo bo vodila prof. Ineta Dabašinskienė z Univerze Vytautasa Velikega. Panel bo vključeval razprave z naslednjimi gosti:

  • Rektor Politehnične univerze Dnipro, prof. Oleksandr Aziukovskyi
  • Rektor Nacionalne univerze Donetsk V. Stus, prof. Illia Khadzynov
  • Rektor mariupolske univerze izr. prof. Mykola Trofymenko
  • Rektorica Nacionalne pedagoške univerze v Poltavi, prof. Maryna Grynova
  • Svetovalka predsednika Jolanta Urbanovič
  • Predstavnik EK v Litvi, Marius Vaščega


Our T4EU partner, Vytautas Magnus University, in collaboration with the Lithuanian President's Office and the Embassy of Ukraine in Lithuania, extends a warm invitation to participate in the international conference titled "Education in Turbulent Times: Towards European Networking and Integration."

Scheduled for November 16, 2023, the conference will adopt a hybrid format and will focus on the field of Education, specifically exploring new opportunities for higher education institutions in co-creating the European Education and Research Area. The discussions will encompass topics such as the New Higher Education Curriculum and Innovative and Inclusive Pedagogies.

The primary objective of the conference is to facilitate the exchange and discussion of opportunities for higher education institutions in Ukraine and EU member states. The aim is to explore how European networks and programs can contribute to a smoother integration of Ukrainian higher education institutions into the European Education and Research Area.

More information on the conference programme is available here.

To express your interest in participating in the conference, kindly complete the short form provided.

The conference will feature a panel discussion titled "Ukrainian Universities Voice," moderated by Prof. Ineta Dabašinskienė from Vytautas Magnus University. The panel will include discussions with:

  • Rector of Dnipro Polytechnic University, Prof. Oleksandr Aziukovskyi
  • Rector of Donetsk V. Stus National University, Prof. Illia Khadzynov
  • Rector of Mariupol University, Assoc. Prof. Mykola Trofymenko
  • Rector of Poltava National Pedagogical University, Prof. Maryna Grynova
  • Adviser to the President, Jolanta Urbanovič
  • EC Representative in Lithuania, Marius Vaščega