Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije

sreda, 9. februar 2022 ARPEL4Entrep project - Online Bachelor's Degree in Entrepreneurship

You are kindly invited to apply for a new Erasmus+ funded project ARPEL4Entrep - Online Bachelor's Degree in Entrepreneurship.

The collaborating partners in the projects are University of Bari Aldo Moro (Italy), University of Ioannina (Greece), University of Zilina (Slovakia), Vilnius University (Lithuania), AllSecure Ltd -eBusiness Systems (Malta), Advenio eAcademy (Malta) and EUCEN European University Continuing Education Network (Belgium).

The scope of the project is to leverage the infrastructure and competencies of the partners in e-learning and their collective expertise and resources in creating a programme that would encourage entrepreneurs to earn a 180 ECTS credit Level 6 Bachelors’ Degree in Entrepreneurship.  The Erasmus+ cofounded project offers 40 FULL SCHOLARSHIPS each worth c.EUR 8,600 for the Pilot Intake. Entry Requirements and the admission process are as follows.

Entry Requirements:

  • successful completion of an approved secondary qualification,
  • evidence of English language proficiency of IELTS level 5 results, or equivalent certificate and
  • minimum of 4 years of entrepreneurial work experience in middle/senior level within an SME environment.

Admission Process:

  • Complete the ARPEL Registration via the ARPEL4Enrep Website. Click here to start the registration process.
  • ARPEL team will evaluate the application and will get back to you if any additional documents are required. Upon completion of the preliminary evaluation, you will be invited to attend an online Evaluation Interview.
  • The results of the Evaluation interview with the final ECTS score in the ARPEL process at Level 6 will be notified to you via email.
  • If the ECTS credits earned is equal to or above 74 students will be eligible for the full scholarship award. This will be offered to the 40 highest placed candidates. Once selected applicants will be invited to proceed with the programme on the basis of the terms and conditions provided.
  • Applicants that are not successful in this scholarship application will be invited to participate in the following intake for which partial scholarships will also be available.

Further details regarding the programme are available at the website www.arpel4entrep.com.

Contact details - studentsupport@arpel4entrep.com / on WhatsApp +356 79208029