University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

Wednesday, 14 July 2021 UP FAMNIT once again hosts top researchers in the field of Graph theory

Professor Daniel Kráľ again visited the University of Primorska, as part of research work in the field of graph theory, where he collaborates with Assist. Prof. Matjaž Krnc (UP FAMNIT).

Prof. Kráľ, a renowned expert in the field of graph theory, comes from the Faculty of Informatics at Masaryk University in Brno, where he has received a newly established Donald Ervin Knuth Professorship. He is the co-heading the Laboratory of Discrete Methods and Algorithms (DIMEA) and holds an honorary professorship at the University of Warwick, where he was affiliated with its research center (Center for Discrete Mathematics and its Applications - DIMAP).

In 2010 he received the ERC Starting Grant for the CCOSA project (Classes of Combinatorial Objects - from Structure to Algorithms), and in 2015 the ERC Consolidator grant for the LADIST project (Large Discrete Structures). He is currently also the editor of two prestigious journals - Advances in Combinatorics and SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics (SIDMA).

Prof. Kráľ already visited UP FAMNIT last July, and he was once again accompanied by his doctoral and postdoctoral students. This time by Jake Cooper, Martin Kurečka, dr. Frederik Garbe and dr. Samuel Mohr. Together with Assist. Prof. Krnc they are continuing their well-established work in the field of graph theory, and their current scientific results were also highlighted in an Abel lecture by László Lovász, this year's Abel laureate who held a lecture at the recent 8th European Congress of Mathematics.

Guest were today welcomed by the Rector of the University of Primorska, Prof. Klavdija Kutnar, by the Dean of UP FAMNIT, Assoc. Prof. Ademir Hujdurović, and by Prof. Dragan Marušič. They discussed their work within the mathematics departments of both Universities, as well as the opportunities and challenges of the application process associated with ERC projects.

The Rector of the University of Primorska further expressed her enthusiasm for the excellent work of the research group so far and emphasized the importance of further strengthening of international cooperation.