University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

Thursday, 14 September 2023 Researchers from 6 coutries exchange findings in entomology

The 6th Slovenian Entomological Symposium with international participation took place in Izola at the Livade 1.0 facility from 15 to 16 September. The symposium brought together 63 participants from six countries - in addition to Slovenia, Austria, Croatia, Italy, the Netherlands and Russia. 

It was organised by the entomologists of the Biodiversity Department of UP Famnit and the Slovenian Entomological Society of Stefan Michielli - a scientific and professional association of members involved in entomology, the science of insects. The symposium was a forum for the exchange of interesting findings, achievements, results and visions in different fields of entomology: insect taxonomy and phylogeny, forest and agronomic entomology, conservation entomology, insect diversity and entomological methodology.

»The meeting was organized for the first time by entomologists from the Department of Biodiversity UP FAMNIT in cooperation with the Slovenian Entomological Society of Štefan Michieli. On this occasion, we would like to sincerely thank the organizers for the trust and honor shown when handing over the baton. Sincere thanks to the organizers of the previous implementation of this event from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of the University of Maribor, as well as to the members of the expert committee for their help in planning and conducting the symposium. The organization of the event would not have been possible without the financial support of UP FAMNIT, for which we are extremely grateful. Thanks also to all the authors, whose contributions formed an important part to shaping the content of the symposium,« summed up the organizers. They also announced the next symposium, which will be held again at our faculty again: »The symposium is an excellent opportunity to meet colleagues, exchange opinions, continue existing and conclude new collaborations. We look forward to the next meeting, i.e. the 7th Slovenian Entomological Symposium with international attandance in 2025, to be held at our faculty again.«

The book of abstracts, which includes publications as well as posters and other contents, has been published by UP Publishing and is available electronically at the link.