University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies


On Saturday, 8 October 2022, the second edition of ŠtartUP - a social and sporting event aimed at welcoming all University of Primorska students  - took place in the Žusterna Seaside Park.  

The event is aimed at introducing the students to older students and getting to know each other, as well as a more personal approach to the students, as the contact offices present, who are in contact with the students throughout their studies (international offices, student affairs offices), presented them with the content that will help them in their studies. Last but not least, the event was also attended by the teaching staff, so they were able to make personal contacts, which, due to the smaller groups, is an advantage of studying at the University of Primorska.   


Nataša, Head of the International Office at Turistica said that she considers such events "an excellent opportunity to connect and get to know students and employees, not only within individual faculties, but at the level of the entire university. It is an interesting and fun way to learn - especially through social, sports and board games - about the possibilities of involvement in the activities of the university and its members, as well as in the extracurricular activities offered by various associations. This is even more important and necessary after these last two years of the pandemic, during which we have almost become accustomed to this distance. We hope and wish that this year will finally be different and we will return to the old tracks when such events were held regularly." 

Associate Professor Dr. Mike Burnard, coordinator of the Data Science programme at UP FAMNIT, points out that "StartUP event are also an opportunity for professors and assistant professors to get to know their students and to strengthen the bonds between colleagues from member institutions." 

Alongside UP members, the University's centres and units were also presented, which are also dedicated to cooperation with the wider community and to linking the University's content with the environment.   

The UP Institute Andrej Marušič (IAM) presented the Cycle Around The Globe campaign, which aims to cycle the circumference of the Earth and thus raise awareness about suicide prevention. The event collected 200 km for the campaign and educated the participants about the signs and ways of recognising distress.

A new feature this year was the invitation to local associations and organisations to present themselves at the event - giving them the opportunity to showcase their activities, recruit new members or attract new visitors. We are extremely pleased that more than 20 local societies and organisations recognised the event as an opportunity to introduce themselves to students and to recognise the contribution that the student population in seaside towns makes. We also received a great response from local businesses that donated gifts for the raffle.


Stands were offered with a symbolic entry fee, which was fully and directly donated to the Association "Pomagalčica Pomagalčica", the event also had a humanitarian note. 

This year, more than 400 students visited the event and welcomed by more than 100 staff representatives of the associations,so the welcome was truly massive and enriched the events in the new Žusterna Seaside Park.

Naja, a student from UP FTŠ Turistica, pointed out "I really like the event, there is a lot going on, there are a lot of new things to learn". Lana from UP PEF complimented "... very good organisation of the event and all the prepared activities of the points where we collected stamps to participate in the UP Raffle". 

Katja Kosem, President of the UP FTŠ Student Council and President of the UP Student Council, actively joined the UP FTŠ stand at the event, which created an informative and fun quiz on tourism for students to test what they had learnt during the info days. "We also prepared a game where you have to pack a suitcase in one minute together with a card where you indicate your dream destination and what "non-material" you would take with you to that destination. It is the activity that has attracted the most students".

We wish all students a successful start, progress and conclusion of the academic year 22/23!