University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

Tuesday, 5 December 2023 Research visits to the University of Malaga and University of Sheffield

Assoc. Prof. Matjaž Kljun and Assoc. Prof. Klen Čopič Pucihar, UP FAMNIT and UP IAM researcher from the Department of Information Sciences and Technologies, visited the University of Malaga as part of the ERASMUS+ KA220 project FTDCHE - Fostering the Transversal Digital Competences in Higher Education.

With a duration of 30 months, this Erasmus+ project integrates five Universities (the University of Málagathe University of Applied Sciences of Leuven-Limburgthe University of Primorska, the Polytechnic University of Bucharesti Šiauliai State University of Applied Sciences) with the leaders in the research and development of Information and Communication Technologies. The project aims to promote the updating of advanced digital skills of citizens in general and Higher Education students.

The project worth 250,000 EUR, is granted by the European Commission.

Sollertia is the collective name of the 3-year Erasmus+ project KA220-HED »FTDCHE« (Fostering the Transversal Digital Competences in Higher Education), which started in December 2022, and its »LMS« (Learning Management System).

You can read more about the FTDCHE/Sollertia project here.


Between November 26 and December 3, 2023, Dr. Nino Bašić (UP FAMNIT, UP IAM and IMFM) and Prof. Primož Potočnik (UL FMF and IMFM) visited Prof. Patrick W. Fowler, FRS, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. As part of the research visit, they also met with Prof. Barry T. Pickup, Maxine M. McCarthy and Prof. Steven P. Armes, FRS.

They discussed various topics of chemical graph theory and physical chemistry: the use of nut graphs in physics, applications of graphs with a small number of orbits in mathematical chemistry, the energy of toroidal graphs, directed nut graphs, etc.

The visit was financially supported by the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics (IMFM).