University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

Tuesday, 3 December 2019 Professor Jean-Pierre Bourguignon visits UP FAMNIT in the run-up to the 8ECM

On Friday, 29 November 2019, President of the European Research Council (ERC), Prof. Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, visited the University of Primorska. The morning began with a lecture at the UP FAMNIT, where Bourguignon was introduced by Chair of the 8ECM Organizing Committee, Prof. Tomaž Pisanski, and director of the InnoRenew Centre of Excellence, Prof. Andreja Kutnar. 

Prof. Bourguignon discussed the structure and focus of the ERC within Horizon 2020, the current EU research programme, and its mission to support “excellence in frontier research through bottom-up, individual-based, pan-European competition.” He highlighted its achievements, including promoting international collaboration, supporting women academics in the early stages of their careers, the success of ERC-funded projects, and the number of major prize winners who have held ERC grants. He also noted the increasing success of Slovenia in making grant applications to the ERC (8 grants within Horizon 2020). He concluded by outlining the role the ERC will play within the framework of the next EU research programme, Horizon Europe.

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