University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

Thursday, 25 May 2023 Prof. Victoria Gould visited UP FAMNIT - an influential member of the Executive Committee of the European Mathematical Society

On Thursday, a lecture by Prof. Victoria Gould, a prominent figure in the field of mathematics and an influential member of the Executive Committee of the European Mathematical Society from the University of York, was given. Throughout the lecture entitled Ethics in Science – what about Mathematics? Raising awareness Prof. Gould explained the topic of ethics in science, with a focus on mathematics, which is also becoming increasingly important in our daily lives but on the other hand it seems to be underestimated.  


About the lecture:

For any scientific endeavour, the discussion of ethics tends to fall into two categories. One is ethics in the practice of science; the other is ethics for academics in their conduct and as regards the publication and dissemination of their work. Many universities have well-thought-through policies and training for their students and staff.

Gradually, the world is realizing that mathematics is essential in almost every walk of modern life. Yet, often, mathematics is omitted from discussions on ethical issues. Frameworks for providing training in ethics to our mathematics students are often lacking, particularly regarding the practice of mathematics outside academia.  

She has been a member of the Ethics Committee of the European Mathematical Society since 2018. This has opened her eyes to some issues, which she explained throughout the Thursday lecture.