University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies


On Wednesday, 25 January 2023, UP FTŠ Turistica hosted the symposium "The Present and Future of Wine and Gastronomy Tourism on Tourist Farms in Slovenia" which represents the final activity of the Targeted Research Project "Possibilities of Further Development of Wine and Gastronomy Tourism on Farms" (Vingatur, V5-2030 - Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food of the Republic of Slovenia, ARRS), a complex research and development project made possible by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food of the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovenian Research Agency ARRS.


It involved more than 10 researchers from three universities and five faculties: Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies (UP FAMNIT),  Faculty of Management UP,  Faculty of Tourism Studies Turistica UP, Faculty of Arts UL and Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences UM:

  • Dr Simon Kerma (UP FTŠ Turistica) and Dr. Matjaž Hladnik (UP FAMNIT) presented an analysis of the results of surveys of holders of complementary farm tourism activities; 
  • Alenka Baruca Arbeiter, dr. Matjaž Hladnik and dr. Ig. Dunja Bandelj (UP FAMNIT) pointed out the importance of including traditional/indigenous plant varieties and animal breeds in the offer of tourist farms; 
  • Dr Aleš Gačnik (UP FTŠ Turistica) shed light on the place and role of tourist farms in the context of gastronomic tourism and the development of tourism in rural areas;
  • Emil Juvan (UP FTŠ Turistica) highlighted the visitor perceptions of tourist farms by illustrating the potential for the development of enogastronomy tourism in rural areas;
  • Dr Igor Jurinčič, Dr Simon Kerma and Dr Aleš Gačnik (UP FTŠ Turistica) presented a comparative analysis of wine and gastronomy events in Slovenian wine-growing regions; 
  • Dr Aleš Gačnik and Mag. Maja Plahutnik Nahtigal (UP FTŠ Turistica) presented the results of the analysis of the use of digital channels of communication of tourist farms, with an emphasis on websites and social networks;
  • Štefan Bojnec (UP FM) emphasised and highlighted the importance of tourist farms in the preservation and development of the Slovenian countryside.

In this context Dr. Dejan Cigale and Dr. Barbara Lampič (UL FF) presented how sustainable development is reflected in tourist farms, while Dr Barbara Lampič and Dr Irma Potočnik Slavič (UL FF) highlighted wine tourism routes as an important factor in rural development. Dr Martina Robačer, Dr Martina Bavec and Dr Franc Bavec spoke about the perspectives for the development of ecological tourist farmsThe scientific symposium was concluded with proposals for research and development topics as a basis for the design of cross-sectoral measures for the further development of wine and gastronomy tourism on farms and an interesting closing discussion. 


Representatives of important institutions also addressed the participants and emphasised the importance of the topic: Prof. Klavdija Kutnar, Rector of the University of Primorska, Dr. Marijana Sikošek, Dean of the Faculty of Tourism Studies Turistica, Tatjana Buzeti, State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food of the Republic of Slovenia, Dubravka Kalin, Director General of the Tourism Directorate of the Ministry of Economy, Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Slovenia, Matija Vimpolšek, President of the Association of Tourist Farms of Slovenia, and Dr. Simon Kerma, Project Manager. The importance of cross-sectoral cooperation and networking was highlighted, as well as the importance of transferring research findings into educational programmes, agriculture and the economy.

The scientific and professional symposium highlights the fact that development needs to be planned on the basis of integrated multidisciplinary research, reflecting both international knowledge of the topic and the characteristics of the field. The future of tourist farms in Slovenia undoubtedly depends on creative and innovative cross-sectoral cooperation between agriculture, tourism, culture and science.