University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

Friday, 23 August 2019 Erasmus+: new projects with 16 universities

From acquiring linguistic skills to training highly specialized professionals

In addition to the mobility of students and professors, Erasmus+ programme supports also cooperation projects in the field of education. We are pleased to announce that UP FAMNIT has acquired two new projects, in which 16 universities from nine countries will participate.

Within the project Language guidance tool for improving language knowledge –LanGuide we will promote the internationalization of the higher education programmes and the usage of up-to-date IT technologies. The project partners gather 6 universities from five linguistic and geographical parts of Europe that are specialised in language acquisition and software development.

Within the project activities, UP FAMNIT, University of Zadar and University of Rijeka (Croatia), Transilvania University of Brasov (Romania), University of Castilla – La Mancha (Spain) and Mälardalen University (Sweden) will joint develop a common methodology for the preparation of guidelines focused on language for specific purposes (LSP).

The objectives of the project LanGuide are to build an open access students/teachers/administrative staff centered guidance tool for improving language knowledge and supporting the acquisition of language knowledge through the language guidance tool. The developed methodology will be implemented in the preparation of language resources, covering 3 levels of difficulty, for preselected LSP fields for English. The resources will be included in the language guidance tool software and mobile app. 

In the other project entitled Establishment of training and research centers and Courses development on Intelligent BigData Analysis in CA/ELBA, which starts in November and will also lasts three years, 10 universities from Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyz Republic will participate.

The project is aimed at creating the opportunities in training of highly profiled specialists in the field of Intelligent Big Data Analysis (IBDA) with different multidisciplinary backgrounds and enabling the access to highly efficient modern IBDA instrumentation based on EU expertise and technologies which will contribute to sustainable development of educational institutions, local business enterprises and society at large.

Proposal aim in general is to improve academic capacity of professionals through developing and implementing multidisciplinary package of module based courses for bachelor, master students and professionals of engineering on Intelligent Big Data Analysis (IBDA) in Central Asia countries via collaboration with the industry.