University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

Monday, 20 March 2023 Dr. Katarina Šoln received a fellowship from the World Federation of Scientists (WFS)

We are honoured to announce that Dr. Katarina Šoln was nominated by the Slovenian Science Foundation (SZF) and received a fellowship from the World Federation of Scientists (WFS). 

 Photo: Mateja Grašič 

The main focus of the recipient was on science and science popularization, where her field is allelopathy, which she described as "the plant's secret biochemical weapon, which makes allelopathic plants more successful in competing with other plants for water, space, and sunlight. It is very common among invasive plants, which also have a presence in the home garden - not every plant belongs together   she summed.

Dr. Katarina Šoln is very passionate about delivering knowledge specific to nature, which is also one of her main goals." I think it is important to present interestingly and understandably all the mysteries of the natural world to the public, therefore, I will organize biology workshops for children, write popular articles about nature, give a few public lectures, and make short videos about plant life", she concludes.

Slovenian Science Foundation (SZF) has been in partnership with the World Federation of Scientists (WFS) since 2002, where the main task relies on the development acceleration of young researchers in the field of planetary necessity. 

Fellowships play a distinct social role in promoting the completion of doctoral work, as well as contributing to a more favorable socio-economic situation for young PhDs.