University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

Friday, 5 May 2023 Department of Biodiversity organizing 4 different events in May

You are kindly invited to participate in one of the seminars and workshops, which are organized by the Department of Biodiversity UP FAMNIT, namely:

  • Seminar of the lecturer Joana Costa (12 May)

  • Scientific writing in biological sciences (12, 13 and 16 May)

  • Workshop of the BioBlitz event (19 May)

  • MiniBioBlitz (20 May)

Seminar of the lecturer Joana Costa (12 May)

The lecture entitled "REPRODUCTIVE TRAITS AND POPULATION STRUCTURE OF THE INVASIVE OXALIS PES- CAPRAE IN THE MEDITERRANEAN AREA," will be given by Joana Costa, on Friday, 12 May 2023, at 13:00, at the Camp Livade, Izola (FAMNIT 3).


About the lecturer: Costa is a plant biologist who has been working in plant reproductive biology of heterostylous species for several years. Joana holds a PhD from the University of Coimbra and after the completion of her PhD, She worked as a medical writer for ca. 5 years at the Environmental Health Institute, Medical School, University of Lisbon, Portugal. Joana currently holds a position as science manager at LEAF Research Centre from the School of Agriculture, University of Lisbon, Portugal

About the seminar: Biological invasions are a serious threat to biodiversity posing numerous challenges to conservation efforts. Oxalis pes- caprae (Oxalidaceae) is an invasive species in the Mediterranean basin that displays a complex reproductive system consisting of three floral morphs (L-, M- and S-morph) and three ploidy levels (di-, tetra- and pentaploid). Previous large- scale screenings of natural populations in the Mediterranean showed that the majority of these are composed of the S-morph, only. However, recent findings of populations composed of two or three morphs, as well as fruit and seed production suggest that changes in the reproductive system of this species might be occurring. A wider sampling in the Mediterranean area under the COST Action 18201 is ongoing to a) assess reproductive traits and population structure and b) identify changes in the sexual reproductive strategies of this invasive species.

The lecture will be held in English.


Scientific writing in biological sciences (12, 13 and 16 May)

10 hour introductionary course on SCIENTIFIC WRITING IN BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, will be held on 12, 15 and 16 May 2023.

Registrations are open until 7 May!

Apply >>> HERE


  • Brief introduction to scientific writing
  • IMaRAD structure
  • Paper writing is a 3-step process
  • What is the outline?
  • How to write an outline?
  • Grammar & style recommendations
  • Reference manager software
  • What is a graphical abstract?
  • Some design recommendations


Workshop of the BioBlitz event (19 May)


The Department of Biodiversity invites you to the workshop of the BioBlitz events, which will take place on Friday, 19 May 2023, between 9.30 am and 1.15 pm at the Škocjan Caves Park. The workshop is aimed primarily at the staff, and other organizations and individuals who would be interested in the topic.

What are BioBlitz events? These events bring together scientists, field biologists, nature enthusiasts and other individuals, which are located in the selected small area - usually 24 hours - and do research on the biodiversity of the area and at the end present their results publicly. 

BioBlitz events are getting increasingly popular around the world; they are often launched in protected areas to raise public awareness among people. Besides that, they also contributed to obtaining knowledge about species distribution. In that matter, the Department of Biodiversity organizes workshops within the COST Action CA 18201 ConservePlants, where several experts from abroad and Slovenia present their experience in organizing BioBlitz events.  

The workshop will be held in English. 

Lunch will be provided at the event. After lunch, attendees can participate in a demonstration of the online tool of pollinator monitoring, developed by the LIFE4pollinators project. 

If you are interested in the workshop, register by 8 May 2023. As soon as you finish your registration you will receive an email with additional information. 

The timetable of the event  ( some changes may occur)




Coffee & arrivals

10:00 - 11:00

Citizen Science and Bioblitz overview.

Citizen science experiences from Slovenia, Iceland, the Netherlands and United Kingdom, Cyprus, Germany and more.


  1. Baiba Pruse, VU Athena Institute, the Netherlands

  2. Marta Galloni, Università di Bologna, LIFE4Pollinators, Italy

  3. Björk Þorleifsdóttir, Reykjavik Botanical Garden, Iceland (video contribution)

  4. Ellie Turner-Wallace, The Natural History Consortium, UK (video contribution)

  5. Gregor Šmalcelj, Lahinja Landscape Park, Slovenia(video contribution)

  6. Nino Kirbiš, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, Slovenia

  7. Kelly Martinou, Alien CSI Communication Manager, Cyprus (video contribution)

  8. Ioanna Angelidou, Enalia Physis Environmental Research Centre (NGO), Cyprus 

  9. Eduardo Sampaio, University of Konstanz, Germany(video contribution)

  10. Emu-Felicitas Ostermann-Miyashita, Leibniz-Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research, Germany


Short break

11:30 - 12:45

How do the participants envision citizen science/BioBlitz’s as part of their National Parks/institution?

- Group discussions

12:45 - 13:15


13:30 – 14:30

Practical workshop outside in the park lead by Marta Galloni

  • Monitoring pollinators through LIFE4Pollinators tools.

MiniBioBlitz (20 May)


MiniBioBlitz on the topic of the plants and their pollinators, will be held on Saturday 20 May 2023, between 10 am to 4 pm, at the Škocajn Caves Park.

During the fieldwork we will together with the experts - botanists and entomologists - try to identify pollinators on the plants in the Škocjan Cave Park.

The event will take place between 10 - 1.30 pm and 1.30 - 4 pm, with a luch break. If you would like to participate apply >> HERE

After your registration, you will get an email with additional information.