University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies


On Tuesday, 21 November 2023, awards were presented to UP student tutors who have done excellent work in the academic year 2022/2023. A lot has happened in the field of the tutoring system in the past academic year. The tutoring system broke new ground, a number of training sessions were held for both student tutors and teacher tutors, and the first tutor picnic was organised. While the responsibility for all this lies mainly with the student tutors, their coordinators also play a major role in guiding, supporting and motivating them during their tutoring sessions.

For numerous years, the Tutoring system at the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Science, and Information Technologies (UP FAMNIT) has played a crucial role in assisting students not only with academic challenges but also in navigating practical life obstacles. In the last academic year at UP FAMNIT, 21 students were part of it. Besides helping other students they contributed to the promotion activities of the Faculty's with engaging presentations at secondary schools, informational days, and various other events.


The participants were welcomed and thanked for their excellent work by the UP Vice-Rector for Education, Prof. Tina Štemberger, the coordinator of teachers tutors at UP 2022/23, Assoc. Prof. Sonja Čotar Konrad and the coordinator of the tutoring system at UP, Petra Majcen. Alja Polanec,UP Student Tutor Coordinator, joined in the thanks and greetings and made an indispensable contribution not only to the final event but also to all the activities of the academic year that have led to the successful progress in the field of tutoring.

UP Vice-Rector for Education emphasised: "The purpose of the tutoring system at UP is to create the conditions for an organised, systematic and by no means just random care for the development and involvement of each and every student at UP. In this context, student tutors and tutor teachers are responsible for strengthening direct contacts between all of us who meet in the university environment. And let me take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude for the effort and energy you have put into your work, especially during this academic year. We have followed your work in the high-profile organisation of various activities for students, familiarisation and support meetings, and the promotion of UP at the wider Slovenian and international level."

In the beginning, the coordinators of the student tutors Lana Erjavec, Alja Polanec, Eva Krebl, Alen Mujkić, and Tian Janev, together with Associate Prof. Dr. Sonja Čotar Konrad, shared some highlights of the past academic year and plans for the current academic year

Afterward, awards were presented to the tutors at the individual UP members.

The UP FAMNIT student tutors were awarded by the UP teacher tutor coordinator Dr. Vesna Jug, and the student tutor coordinator Eva Krebl.

  • The awards were awarded to: Anuška Dinić Nemanić, Mihail Filipovski, Pavel Jolakoski, Elsa Morina, Lucia Nikolić, Nevena Stojnić, Marko Taleski, Karolina Trajkovska, Matija Zagoranski, Nevena Stojnić, Eva Krebl.

  • The awards were also awarded in absentia to: Ajla Šehović, Andrej Perković, Bogdan Šinik, Cita Jenko, Diar Gashi, Enya Kvarantan, Igor Heslenji, Jana Ristovska, Milan Milivojčević in Teodora Dalmacija.

We would like to thank all student tutors for their work and all the hours they dedicate to the students throughout the academic year and wish them every success in the future. 
