University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

Wednesday, 28 November 2018 Assoc. Prof. Andreja Kutnar, PhD awarded with the prestigious Zois Certificate of Recognition

We are happy and honored to announce that our professor and researcher Assoc. Prof. Andreja Kutnar, PhD received the Zois Certificate of Recognition for important achievements in scientific research work in the field of wood science.
Zois Awards and Recognitions are the most prestigious awards for exceptional achievements in scientific research and development activities, awarded to researchers in the Republic of Slovenia.

(On the photo: Assoc. Prof. Andreja KUtnar, PhD with Prof. Dragan Marušič, PhD - UP Rector)

On Tuesday, 27th November 2018 in Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana, the gala award ceremony was hosted for the Zois awards and recognition; Puch awards and recognitions; and the Ambassador of Science of the Republic of Slovenia.
Our professor of Wood Science at UP FAMNIT, scientific colleague at the UP IAM institute and InnorRenew Coe director Dr Andreja Kutnar is among this years winners of the Zois award for important scientific achievements in the field of wood science.

Dr Kutnar is one of the world's leading scientists in the fields of wood composites, thermo-hydromechanical treatment of wood, sustainable built environments, and environmental impact analysis. With interdisciplinary and international research, she co-created and established a new research area - restorative environmental and ergonomic design, which is also one of the key research areas at the InnoRenew CoE.

In addition to the successful establishment and leadership of the project and the research institute InnoRenew CoE, Andreja has coordinated several international consortiums. For example she connected researchers from 39 countries in the networks of COST Actions.
Her bibliography involves 54 original and 10 scientific papers, 39 articles in reviewed scientific publications, 11 chapters in a scientific monograph, and a scientific monograph which was published in 2014 at the prestigious Springer publishing house. The great impact of her work can be seen also in 353 citations in the last ten years, 292 citations in the WoS database, and 342 citations from the Scopus database.

Dr Kutnar is pleased to receive the award: "I am honoured to receive this award and happy to see that my passion for wood is being shared with the wider society."

We congratulate Dr Andreja Kutnar for this excellent achievement and important award!

(The gala was attended also by the Minister of education, science and sport of the Republic of Slovenia, Jernej Pikalo, PhD - on the picture together with UP and InnoRenew representatives)