University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

Friday, 5 August 2022 Active summer - we visited the All-Slovenian scouts’ event Taborniški Zlet 2022

At Famnit, we have an active summer despite the summer break. Our researchers and students took part in an All-Slovenian scoutevent Taborniški zlet 2022, which hosted over 700 scouts and 300 volunteers from Slovenia.

It is the biggest event for young scouts in Slovenia organized by the Association of scouts, taking place from 29 July to 7 August 2022 at the Ski Resort Cerkno. The event is organised only every four years and it is an excellent opportunity to meet old friends, and at the same time to actively connect with nature and oneself, as the organizers wrote on their website invitation.

As the head of the Association of Campers of Slovenia added in his statement for the RTV Slovenia: “The main thread of the program this year is the code of visits to nature, which has various components, one of the main ones being that we are in nature and that we have a sustainable and positive impact on nature.”

As in the contribution of RTV Slovenia, the Association of Campers of Slovenia added that this year the basis of the program is the codex of visits to nature, which has various sections, one of the main ones being that we part of the nature and that we should have a sustainable and positive impact on it.

In the first part of the week, the scouts set off on a four-day journey. After their return, together with the volunteers, they co-created a camp at the top of the Cerkno Ski Resort, where they are spending the rest of the week socializing and engaging in various activities before returning home.

Afternoons at the camp are dedicated to workshops that are promoting science, some of which were organized by Famnit's researchers and students. Young participants had the opportunity to participate in various puzzle games and computer science workshops.

This is what Karolina Trajkovska, Famnit student of Computer scence had to say about participating at the event: "It was a lot of fun working with the children and showing them the work we do at Famnit and the HICUP Lab. I believe the event was enjoyed by the children as well. They were really interested in all of our activities. By participating, they also picked up some programming skills and some new Japanese words. Overall, I'd say it was a really successful day. It was an amazing experience that I would gladly repeat at any time."

Here are some more highlights from Taborniški Zlet

More about the camp